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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:57 am  Reply with quote

Joined: 04 Sep 2007
Posts: 49
Location: Idaho

If you hunt on public lands, go check out, http://sportsmen4responsibleenergy.org

Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development was created by hunters and anglers who want to ensure that our rights to hunt and fish on public lands are protected in the future.

Sportsmen across the Rocky Mountains who have watched our favorite places to hunt and fish damaged by irresponsible development are banding together, rallying around the Sportmen's Bill of Rights, and working to ensure that oil and gas development is done right. We recognize that our country needs energy and we know it is possible to develop resources and protect vital fish and game habitat at the same time. The time has come for a new national energy policy, one that develops domestic energy responsibly, takes all the uses of our lands into account, and keeps our Western hunting and fishing heritage alive.

The Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development Bill of Rights

1. The public lands that hunters and anglers depend upon shall remain in the public’s hands for the use of future generations.
2. Hunters and anglers shall have a voice in decisions affecting oil and gas development on public lands.
3. Public lands shall be managed for many uses, including hunting and fishing.
4. Our hunting and fishing heritage shall not be jeopardized by oil and gas development that fails to account for the future, long-term impacts to fish, wildlife, and water resources.
5. Oil and gas drilling shall not harm water resources that are priceless to people and vital to wildlife.
6. Hunters and anglers shall not be forced to pay for the costs associated with poorly planned oil and gas development on public lands.
7. Oil and gas development shall comply with common-sense regulations put in place to minimize the impact of oil and gas drilling on fish, wildlife, and people.
8. Vital fish and wildlife habitat on public lands shall be protected. Sage grouse habitat,fragile trout streams, deer and elk winter range, and irreplaceable riparian habitat must not be sacrificed.
9. The oil and gas industry shall pay its fair share of the cost for permitting and habitat restoration on public lands that are drilled for oil and gas.
10. State and federal fish and wildlife agencies shall have adequate funding to ensure the long-term health of fish, wildlife, and water resources on our public lands.

For more information, visit http://sportsmen4responsibleenergy.org/
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:09 pm  Reply with quote

Joined: 14 Feb 2007
Posts: 110

Ok, you have some left wing type hatred towards "big oil", (maybe Haliburton, Cheney too).

Instead of all that, your choice of 16g shotgun?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:34 pm  Reply with quote

Joined: 15 Jul 2007
Posts: 230
Location: SW Idaho

Cover group for anti-rancher and anti-multiple use. See lots of them out here in the West and Idaho. Idaho Bird Hunters, Western Watersheds Project, Idaho Wildlife Federation, just to name a few.

One more to throw into the discard pile.

I prefer 16 ga sxs. How 'bout you.

There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.
-- Mark Twain
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:09 pm  Reply with quote

Joined: 04 Sep 2007
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Location: Idaho

Well, I prefer english boxlocks, by that might be my apparently leftist point of view coming out...javascript:emoticon('Smile')
In all seriousness, this is not some conservative versus liberal debate. As a guy who considers himself pretty conservative on most issues, this is a sportsman's issue, not a political issue.
Personally, I think that oil and gas drilling could be done more responsibly on public lands. I drive a 4x4 truck just like most everyone else on this forum and I am not going to delude myself that oil isn't important. That being said, I don't think there is anything wrong with asking companies to make sure they are looking out for the habitat that will provide opportunities for future generations of hunters and anglers.
Having lived in several western states and hunted and fished in most of them, I can assure you that irresponsible drilling is having an impact in some places. Idaho is one of the lucky places were they haven't drilled yet. Here in New Mexico, we are seeing substantial impacts to mule deer and elk winter grounds and migrational corridors and it is impacting hunting opportunity.
If you want to boil this down to pure politics, that's your prerogative. The reason I read this board though is because I find the level of discourse higher than it is at other hunting discussion sites.
If you think that the oil companies have the best interests of your children at heart, then accept my apologies and go on to the next post.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:27 pm  Reply with quote

Joined: 15 Jul 2007
Posts: 230
Location: SW Idaho

I grew up in the oilfields in CA. I lived in Wyoming and have been in the gas fields, and, yes, I know what I am talking about as I have been a BLM field manager. I sat as a member of the Sage Grouse Working Group in Owyhee County, Idaho.

I just don't buy the named groups arguement, just like the other groups that I mentioned that have their single use, single minded ideals.

I don't know one way or another what your political inclinations are and could care less, but if you want to see what joining a group like that does, take a look at just what happened in CA's west side of the San Joaquin valley, as a large result of similar "conservation" groups urging.

Be careful who you align yourself with because as soon as they get their way, they will toss you under the bus as quick as snipe dodges an inattentive hunter.

I, too, prefer this forum to others for the respect given each other and each to their own opinion. Mine is just one more opinion posted.

BTW: I prefer Spanish guns, both side lock and box locks, but have a couple of Italian guns too!

There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.
-- Mark Twain
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:04 pm  Reply with quote

Joined: 14 Feb 2007
Posts: 110

I'm by no means an expert. I just drive a gas powered vehicle and I understand that fuel "fuels" our economy. It's not political to understand that we are driving business, jobs and our security out of the US when we take a "no drilling" stand...

...and speaking of shotguns...

I guess I'm a more blue collar 16g'er. I love my Ithaca model 37s. I have a few others. But for me I'll take the old 37.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:58 pm  Reply with quote

Joined: 15 Jul 2007
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Location: SW Idaho

henrybelton wrote:
I'm by no means an expert. I just drive a gas powered vehicle and I understand that fuel "fuels" our economy. It's not political to understand that we are driving business, jobs and our security out of the US when we take a "no drilling" stand...

...and speaking of shotguns...

I guess I'm a more blue collar 16g'er. I love my Ithaca model 37s. I have a few others. But for me I'll take the old 37.


Sounds like you are full of that plain old common sense. Your opinion and point of view is as valuable as any expert's.

You have a good point on drilling too! Wink

There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.
-- Mark Twain
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:01 pm  Reply with quote

Joined: 01 Jun 2006
Posts: 268
Location: Meridian, ID

So why is it always when somebody doesn't like drilling in certain areas you have to bring up the automobile versus the horse and buggy choice. Don't know about any of you but I can see in color not just black and white.

I don't know anything about the above mentioned organization but there are a lot of people with legitimate concerns regarding this topic. Just because our current "leaders" are hellbent on giving away as much of our natural resources as they possibly can before they leave office doesn't make everyone that disagrees with the policy a bunch of left wing environmental wackos. Though of course they would like you to believe that.

The current/new issue of Field and Stream has an article that deals specifically with this issue. Might be worth taking a look.

If, after I depart this vale, you ever remember me and have thought to please my ghost, forgive some sinner and wink your eye at some homely girl.
H.L. Mencken
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:19 pm  Reply with quote

Joined: 03 Sep 2007
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Location: Orangevale (aka, Sacramento)

As a Montana landowner/hunter I too have concerns. I consider myself a conservative/conservationist; TR is my hero. Without land/habitat who cares what gun I hunt with? Drive through SE Montana and there are differences between now and even a few years ago.

Research Coal Bed Methane and, done pooly it is a real issue. Sharptails, Sage Grouse, etc. won't nest near compressor stations, etc. To be fair, I also drive cars, and, have no easy answers.

I'm proud to be a member of Rocky Mt. Elk foundation and wish I could do more.

My $.02

Best to all

a bad day hunting is better than... Anything else!
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:41 pm  Reply with quote

Joined: 08 Nov 2005
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Location: Illinois

Bottom line---Profit trumps common sense EVERY time Evil or Very Mad
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:20 am  Reply with quote

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Location: SW Idaho

hoashooter wrote:
Bottom line---Profit trumps common sense EVERY time Evil or Very Mad

Well, that depends upon your personal ethics. Many of us choose a path different than riches or blindly following the emotional rant prior to exercising critical thought. Hoashooter, if what you say is true, then you are saying that you would take a buck over doing the right thing everytime? I would hope not.

Anything done poorly, from making a shotgun to nuclear science, is an issue.

I have also seen the study commonly quoted about where sage grouse nest. The study was slanted because:

a) the compressor stations are purposely placed away from where known nesting areas were located. (a requirement because sage grouse are listed as a sensitive species)

b) It was completed over a very narrow time frame.

The conclusion they came up with is like going to Macy's woman's underwear department one time and complaining that you can't find hiking boots. Beware of studies that you only get to see the results of. You have to look at the whole thing and use a critical thought process to understand the results.

I am against pillaging the land. I am also against extreme points of view that hamstring the Nation.

Folks, take a look at what the USFWS, a service that is populated by biologists and botonists and their narrow minded anti-hunting views, has done with our tax money (to include the tax on every piece of sporting goods you buy) and their agenda.

Most of them would prefer that hunting be stopped, that access to public lands be restricted to only them and their studies and; unfortunately, the agency allows them to work unhindered and aggressively to achieve that goal.

Their actions are insidious and deceitful and counter to the multiple-use, free access ideals expressed by T.R. himself.

There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.
-- Mark Twain
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:04 am  Reply with quote

Joined: 02 Oct 2007
Posts: 1975

I agree with you. to much is being done and said just for "feel good" points of view and not done with carefull studies. If something isn't as we feel it should be, lets blame somebody.
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Gil S
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:11 am  Reply with quote

Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 1944
Location: Lowcountry Ga.

chorizo wrote:

I am against Folks, take a look at what the USFWS, a service that is populated by biologists and botonists and their narrow minded anti-hunting views, has done with our tax money (to include the tax on every piece of sporting goods you buy) and their agenda.

Most of them would prefer that hunting be stopped, that access to public lands be restricted to only them and their studies and; unfortunately, the agency allows them to work unhindered and aggressively to achieve that goal.

Their actions are insidious and deceitful and counter to the multiple-use, free access ideals expressed by T.R. himself.

I would very much like to see the studies or the raw data in which you support your statements above. Is this opinion subjective or is it based on emotion-free objective data? Are you saying that most employees of the USFWS want hunting stopped and access to public lands restricted or are you saying that only those with narrow-minded anti-hunting views want access to public lands restricted? It's not clear from the statement above. I know some USFWS employees and they work to ensure hunting in my area, in fact, they have opened up a lot of prime acreage for hunting. Thanks.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:45 am  Reply with quote

Joined: 15 Jul 2007
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Location: SW Idaho


What I am talking about at the USFWS is the culture and not a specific individual. I have the greatest respect for some of the people, but certainly not for the culture of the majority USFWS personnel. My opinion of the USFWS, of course, is subjective, but is based upon over 10 years of working closely with them over habitat, endangered species, and conservation issues. Others opinions may vary, as is their right.

And you have a right to see that study, it is "Braun, et. al, 2002"

Braun, C. E., O. O. Oedekoven, and C. L. Aldridge. 2002. Oil and gas development in western North America: effects on sagebrush steppe avifauna with particular emphasis on Sage Grouse. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 67:337-349.

Here is the extract from the USFWS Federal Register Notice to begin a study into listing as an endangered/threatened species the greater sage grouse (which was later denied): Link to full document:


The petitions identify noise as a potential impact to the greater
sage-grouse through interference with sage-grouse mating displays,
communication between hens and their broods, movement out of suitable
habitat, and physiological stress. Acoustic signals are important in
greater sage-grouse mate selection (Gibson and Bradbury 1985), and the
impacts of noise on greater sage-grouse resulting from activities
associated with oil and gas development on public lands have been
addressed in National Environmental Policy Act documents (e.g., draft
Environmental Impact Statement for the Pinedale Anticline Oil and Gas
Exploration and Development Project (BLM 1999)). In Wyoming's Powder
River Basin, leks within 1.6 km (1 mi) of coal-bed methane facilities
have consistently lower numbers of males attending than leks farther
from these types of disturbances. Noise associated with these
facilities is cited as one possible cause (Braun et al. 2002). However,
the actual impact of noise from anthropogenic sources on the greater
sage-grouse is currently unknown. The petitioners acknowledge the lack
of scientific studies on the effects of noise on the greater sage-
grouse (Webb 2002, page 141; American Lands Alliance et al., page 145).

Here are some key sites to look at also:




Here is the Owyhee County plan, of which I was a member of the Local Working Group:


And here is Idaho's plan which I contributed to:


I just provided you with lots and lots of reading that will be hard to assimilate in even a few weeks of reading. I encourage folks to read, use critical thought and come to their own conclusions based upon sound knowledge of the facts. By simply using emotions, we could and sometimes do hinder those things that would help.

Gil, thank you for asking. Critical minds want to see the facts.

There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.
-- Mark Twain
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